

What are our programs?

Opening the eyes and minds to processing


1. Educating People Learning + Applying + Growing = Sustaining

Teaching Center

                                                Train Teachers

                                                Establish Schools

                                                Educate Children

                                                            Hearing Schools

                                                            Deaf Schools

                                                Continuing Education


Church Ministries

                                                Children’s Ministries

                                                Indigenous Bible Teaching


                                                Youth Ministries

Education: We began teaching by using all that is naturally found within their own environment so connections can be easily and naturally made. Learning becomes relevant to their daily struggles. Learning basic principles becomes relevant and practical for their everyday life situations. Our Strategies of “Learning, Applying, Growing, and Sustaining” have transformed lives with fruit that can be witnessed.

Teaching Center       SET Centers, International works with teachers in communities where

government assistance and funding is not readily available to them. Consequently, thousands of children are not able to attend schools to learn to read and write. We train using materials and resources found in nature within their local villages. We show teachers how to create an atmosphere and an environment that will encourage students to connect, embrace, and to apply the academic and Biblical life principles to their daily lives.

Training Teachers   We are committed to train local teachers to be effective and to

facilitate a hunger and thirst for learning; to foster an environment to teach through personal experiences evoking an unbridled passion for obtainable and sustainable change; and to cultivate an insatiable desire for God as He transforms their hearts and lives.   

Establishing Schools   We have helped establish and train in 4 elementary schools by

intentionally combining indigenous and multiple intelligences approaches together which fosters an organic hunger and thirst for learning. We have created an environment causing both adult and children to process independently so higher, critical, and independent thinking can naturally take place.  The effects have been obvious with results that can be measured through government school testing.

Educating Children   SET Center has a desire to provide opportunities for children to

go to school instead of doing chores, working the fields, or playing at the river. These precious children are eager to learn to read, write, learn mathematics, and so much more. Our teams help the local villages and churches to establish small schools in their villages and communities.  We train the administration, staff, teachers, and students. We also provide continued and advanced training as they grow and develop their schools one grade at a time.

Deaf Schools   Thousands of neglected deaf children are not given the opportunity to

go to school. Many do not have a language to communicate or to express their thoughts or needs to others. SET Centers, International has helped community and private schools by training the teachers who are working with the deaf community. Our team teaches effective strategies that will best reach the deaf students to introduce language, sign, and basic academics. Along with academic resource materials that we provide, we also use natural resources found in their own environment to open their eyes to the wonders of learning. Our goal is to prepare and to embed in them vital life skills which will enable them to live successfully and independently in a hearing world.

Church Ministries      Our mission is countercultural. SET Centers, International is an

organization that focuses on changing life perspectives and instilling a natural, sustainable, and Biblical system of processing using an indigenous approach to learning.  Our objective is to restructure and rebuild the perspectives of individuals in their walk with God, to make the Bible relevant to their basic fundamental needs, and to strengthen them in their Christian journey. 

Indigenous Bible Teaching   We train the nationals on our team to work with local

churches teaching Bible indigenously. Our Zambian team trains the local pastors, and all the teachers and leaders in the church in ways that enable the locals to connect their life experiences to the Word of God. This makes the Christian life personal, practical, and pertinent to their daily struggles in life. Each Bible lesson relates and reaches the little children all the way to the older generation as it speaks Truth in to their lives. This approach to teaching the Word of God has become a movement all across the nation. Pastors all over the continent of Africa are now begging SET Centers and our national training team to travel to their respective countries, cities, and villages.

Children’s Ministries    Our SET teams develop Sunday School, VBS & Neighborhood

Bible Club programs.  They hold impromptu Neighborhood Bible Clubs in front yard of the homes of church members as an outreach in their communities. They teach from our indigenous approach to sharing the Gospel. For 4 to 5 days, children and adults from all over the neighborhood come to hear the Gospel, to memorize Scripture, and to sing songs. It is a wonderful outreach program.  Our Goal is to train church members that they do not need to wait for the visitors to initiate these Bible clubs, that each village and each home can hold Bible clubs each week in their own front yard as God leads.

Youth Ministries   The youth in Zambia have the same typical struggles that most

young people face around the world. However, for the youth in Africa, trying to find a purpose for life in a culture that focuses primarily on day to day survival, does not promote many opportunities for a sustainable future. We deal with real relevant and hard core issues as we share with them The Hope in Christ as we teach the young people the tools necessary to pursue a more fruitful and profitable future. 

SET Centers is focused on working throughout Zambia to cultivate a stronger and a more dedicated generation of future leaders. These future leaders need encouragement and guidance as they embark upon their journey into adulthood. We have expanded our youth ministry program by working with young adults, sexually abused, and suicidal teens. We encourage developing inner beauty rather than focus in on the outward appearance. We have seen great strides in just two years. Together we discuss and address the hard personal issues that young people everywhere face each day as we offer them hope that will resonate in their hearts. We teach them skills and offer safe options to help encourage them through their Christian journey.


2. Meeting Their Needs Living Life Together + Meeting Needs = Open Doors

When you meet their need, they will listen to your message

Meeting Needs

Foster Homes                                                 

                                    Orphans & Abandoned Children                   

                                    Building Strong Families                                

                                    Educating Children                                        

                                    Raising Future Leaders                                  

                                    Building Foster Homes


                        Medical Teaching Clinic

                                                Infirmary Clinic

                                                Basic Medical First Aid Classes

                                                Public Health Programs

                                                Nutrition Programs

                                                Training Classes & Seminars


Meeting Needs

Relationships are established and strong bonds are developed as we are “Living Life” in the communities. Living amongst the locals is quintessential to discerning our most effective approach. SET Centers blends the practical and relevant elements of daily life including, education, health and nutrition, and Biblical principles. It is an organic way in which the Zambians can easily grasp, understand, and embrace concepts necessary for their spiritual needs as it relates to their basic fundamental needs.

Grace Reigns Village    SET Centers has embarked upon the development of 2 acres of land. We plan to build 4 foster homes where our national team members can raise and invest in the lives of orphans and abandoned children. We will also build a school and teaching center, a clinic, and a church, everything necessary to establish a sustainable village. In addition, we will develop the land agriculturally, as well as introduce simple livestock. Our goal is to provide these children a safe, Godly, stable, and healthy environment where they can experience and learn all the dynamics of belonging to a loving family. Here they can also learn how to successfully providing for their own families, churches, and community in the future.


Foster Homes 

Orphans & Abandoned Children   Our prayer is to raise abandoned and orphaned children in a nurturing Christian home environment. A strong family unit and a solid education are key components to developing strong, future leaders who can affect change within the local church and across the nation.

Building Strong Families   We would provide a safe home environment with loving parents, (a “mom and dad”), who will take care of their basic, fundamental human needs: love, value, shelter, food, education, and hope. They will learn effective personal, social, and basic life skills necessary to thrive as they continue on in life. It would be in a place where we can foster an environment which creates a personal hunger and a thirst for pursuing God as well.

Educating Children   We also plan to build a school and teaching center where we teach our children as well as other children in the church and in the surrounding neighborhood. Our vision is to ultimately establish a main training headquarters and training center from which to mentor and facilitate the smaller training centers in the Copperbelt province. From our school and training center, we will train interns, teachers, administrators, and staff members from all over the nation how to run and operate a school efficiently and successfully. It will also be used for training the people in the surrounding community, as well as, people across the nation who desire to learn Bible, academics, farming, clinical and preventative healthcare, different trades, and in the future, simple business practices.

Raising Future Leaders   It is our prayer to raise up future leaders for Christ encouraging them as they pursue their future opportunities and contributions which will impact and enhance their local communities across the nation to draw others to God. What a wonderful way to impact the Zambian culture by nurturing and mentoring solid, faithful, and steadfast young leaders to impact their families, churches, and communities for the Lord.


Medical Teaching Clinic

Infirmary Clinic & Public Health Programs   Our future medical teaching clinic and infirmary building will assess and maintain the condition of the children and families at the foster homes, teaching center, and nearby villages. It will also use the teaching center to hold classes for the local people regarding: taking care of their common medical conditions, preventative measures and maintenance of their health needs, infant and child care, heart care, stroke and aftercare strategies, post-operation practices, diabetes care, digestive issues, sexually transmitted diseases, living with aids, aids prevention, malaria, and other common issues.

Basic Medical First Aid Classes   For those who are struggling with health issues, we

teach men and especially women basic health and first aid strategies for a preventative approach to healthier living. We focus on teaching and mentoring them as they learn to live and manage their medical issues with nutrition to help support and supplement any pharmaceuticals or medicinal remedies that they may be taking. 

Nutrition Programs   Lightening the weight of their struggles, meeting their basic fundamental sustainable needs, and enhancing the lives of the local people are areas of emphasis through our nutrition classes. Our goal is to provide opportunities to enable and to empower the Zambians to become as independent as possible. We have begun educating the Zambians regarding better preventative health care by introducing moringa trees, agriculture, home remedies, and nutritional approaches for the infants, children and adults. Moms can learn practical strategies to better meet the relevant and essential needs of their family.  We also work with women to demonstrate safe, simple, and sanitary strategies to introduce food to infants and to meet the basic nutritional and dietary needs of the children, and adults in their homes.  Using an indigenous approach also helps to embed these necessary, healthful, and practical skills as well as speak vital and practical Biblical Truth in the lives of those we serve.


Training Classes & Seminars   We will train women in the areas of cooking, nutrition,

women’s safety and health issues, raising healthy children and families, and basic first aid and CPR principles. We will also provide the youth and women with counselling for all major issues of life as well as women’s assault and other safety issues which they face every day.


3. Developing in A Sustainable Communities:    

“Grace Reigns Village”


Grace Foster Home

Mercy Foster Home

Hope Foster Home

                                                            Charity Foster Home


                     Orphans + Foster Homes = Family

(Children)   +   (Family)    = Communities

Raising future Godly Leaders

Our Concept:


  #1  Foster Home   +     #2  Foster Home  +  #3  Foster Home   =     Community  



Home/family      +     Home/family         +        Home/family   =       A  Sustainable

            garden+chickens      garden+chickens             garden+chickens         Community


Why a Sustainable Village?

Grace Reigns Village will give a hands on visual and a personal experience for everyone to embrace a viable, self-sustainable lifestyle while promoting a cultural change in the churches and communities. It also prepares the children living in the village with lifetime of experiences learning how to manage in the communities where they are called to live.

The village and training center will be used to teach men simple sustainable living strategies, agriculture, farming and livestock skills, and in the future, best business practices. Each foster home in the village will plant, grow and provide enough nutritious food for their household enabling them to eradicate hunger for each of their families and to help reduce hunger within their own surrounding communities. This village will be a model and a visual to help to teach others to do the same for their own families. In addition, our prayer is to teach pastors and their church members practical Christian living skills enabling them to lead a more sustainable lifestyle while providing for both the spiritual as well as the physical needs of their own families.  

Building Our Sustainable Village:

We Plan To Build:

4 Foster Homes

1 School & Teaching Center

1 local Church

                                        1 Clinic & Teaching Clinic


We Plan To Develop:

Agriculture:     Private & Community Gardens,

Moringa Tree Farm, Fruit Tree farm

Livestock:   Chickens and Goats to start


“That you should go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit shall remain…..” John 15:16 (Our Verse should go somewhere) 


Pray for us:

USA Team & Zambian Team







Schools: Teachers and Students







Meeting Needs:
















Teaching Center & Foster Home