
Imagine if YOU did not have access to ANY ELECTRICITY!

How would your life be change?

This past summer I was totally humbled as I sat in the dark sitting room of a sweet young Zambian lady who was preparing a special lunch for me. There were no windows to shed light inside of her home. Through a little opening in a sheet that served as a door, I watched as she prepared the meal while holding a little lit candle in her left hand. I was totally humbled by her selfless act of love and kindness towards me.

Most of the people living in the deep bush areas do not have access to electricity. Having access to such a natural thing as a solar lantern would be a huge blessing in their lives. They could get dressed in the early morning, prepare food for cooking throughout the day and night. They could also read, study, or write at night, prepare themselves for bed, and so much more. I strong believe in helping the local people to find more “sustainable” ways to enable them to live a more manageable and independent life.

Mpowerd makes Luci Solar Lanterns. This is better than candles that the Zambians must continually buy every month, or flashlights (torches) which require very expensive batteries that they would have to purchase, if they had the funds. These lights are solar powered which is free, and sunlight is in abundance in Africa! This is Sustainability! Mpowerd sells these solar lights to us for a reduced rate of $9.95 per lantern. We collect funds to buy lanterns to bring cases of them each year. Please visit our “Donate” page to find out how you can help.