About Us

Introduction to SET Centers, International:

SET Centers, International is a non-profit, 501c (3) organization based out of St. Petersburg, Florida. Since 2002, the door has been opened for SET Centers, International to teach and to train in the cities and townships, but their heart is primarily in the bush areas. We have been blessed to be able to build an unshakable trust as well as to communicate effectively with the local people on a personal and intimate level. Our purpose is to use an indigenous approach using natural resources found within their own environment. This approach allows each person to experience and to connect with new concepts for the purpose of organically embracing and applying effective strategies relevant to their daily activities.

Our mission is organic, transformational, and countercultural. Our purpose is to affect change for the local people living in “bush”; to encourage an authentic “Applied Reality” mind-set as a lifestyle; and to do so from an indigenous – “Counter Cultural” approach to learning. We instill a genuine and intentional focus of character and integrity as a result of our collective accomplishments and efforts as we work together in unity and in synergy.

SET Center has a desire to provide opportunities for children to go to school instead of doing chores, working the fields, or playing at the river. These precious children are eager to learn to read, write, learn mathematics, and so much more. Our teams help the local churches to establish small schools in their villages and communities.  We train the administration, staff, teachers, and students. We also provide continued and advanced training as they grow and develop their schools one grade at a time.


Background Information:

Cyndi Lilya, Director of SET Centers, Intl., has over 39 years of experience of teaching in the educational field extending from pre-k to 12th grade, including the college level. She has taught in public, private, and Montessori schools.  Cyndi has also worked in many other different programs including private tutoring, home schooling tutoring, special education, SEM/SED, Autistic programs and Multiple Intelligences programs. After a trip to Zambia in 2002, her heart was stirred and soon found herself training Zambian teachers in the “bush” areas how to be more effective teachers. This program was very well received and soon developed into a teacher training program for community schools throughout the country. The Department of Education also sends their teachers to her training workshops each year. Cyndi also helps to establish and mentor local community schools for both the hearing and the deaf. Her team has help established 4 successful schools and is training to establish a 4th school. Due to the success of her programs, she was invited by a well-established college in the Copperbelt province to train their administration and their entire faculty with her approach to effectively and successfully teach with an indigenous approach to learning. They also brought her on board to teaches courses as an adjunct professor.

In the States, Cyndi has recently helped to establish successful a multiple sensory, multiple intelligences preschool, Kya’s Creative Play Preschool, in Gulfport, Florida. She trains the faculty, develops the curriculum, and keeps the program on track.



Our History

Burdened by watching hundreds of children living in the bush without any opportunities for an education, Cyndi began training teachers with intentionality. SET Center has a desire to provide opportunities for children to go to school instead of doing chores, working the fields, or playing at the river. These precious children are eager to learn to read, write, learn mathematics, and so much more. Her workshops have taught the Zambians how to open their minds, to think outside of the box, to promote critical and independent thinking, and to develop a natural system of processing for embedded learning. As the demand for the indigenous approach to learning grew, SET Centers was established to formally train the teachers and to help build confidence as they establish small sustainable community schools. Additional teaching programs were developed to meet the practical, physical, and relevant needs of those around her. As a result, sustainable living strategies, solar lanterns, public health and nutrition programs were introduced using container and urban gardening techniques for small sustainable farming and agriculture projects.

Our Mission

Our Mission: SET Centers, International is committed to training local teachers and leaders to be effective: to facilitate a hunger and thirst for learning, to foster an environment to teach through personal experiences evoking an unbridled passion for obtainable and sustainable change; and to cultivate an insatiable desire for God to transform hearts and lives.  Our Goal is to establish small, sustainable community schools in the bush and rural areas. Our Purpose is to influence a countercultural change in the approach and the direction of education and learning, one school, one church, and one communty at a time across the continent of Africa.


USA Team

01Cyndi Lilya, Director of SET Centers, International, has over 39 years of experience of teaching in the educational field extending from pre-k to 12th grade, including the college level. She has taught in public, private, Montessori, and in Christian schools.  Cyndi has also worked in many different types of programs including home schooling, special education, SEM/SED, Autistic programs and Sunday School church ministries. After a trip to Zambia in 2002, her heart was stirred. She soon found herself training Zambian teachers in the bush regions how to be more effective teachers. Her approach was very well received and soon developed into a teacher training program for community schools, youth leaders and Sunday School teachers.  She also establishes and mentors local community schools for both the hearing and the deaf.



Michael Lilya helped start SET Centers. He spent over 20 years in the military before he retired from the Air Force as a Lt. Colonel. With over 35 years of engineering experience, Michael has used his abilities in Zambia to help design buildings and compounds. He collects, gathers, and organizes the classroom supplies for shipping. As a member of the Board of Trustees, Michael also works with the team on other projects and completes office and computer responsibilities that need to done. He has been to Zambia and has seen first-hand the need to provide a solid education for the locals throughout Africa.


03Rheannon Stegall has been working with SET Centers for about 6 years putting school materials together for our community schools in Zambia. For the past 3 years Rheannon has trained teachers, worked with children in our schools, and held VBS camps for both hearing and the deaf children. Children everywhere are drawn to her loving and Christ-like heart. She also has a special bond with the youth and young adults. She has developed an effective program, Grace Rains, and has incorporated it into one of SET Centers programs to impact the lives of the youth of Zambia as well as in the States. She is presently developing similar programs for women as well. She will be training ladies to teach Bible in their local churches and communities.


05Michael Creamer’s contribution has been as an advisor in the areas of business and agriculture. His specialties lie in the areas of, health, nutrition, agriculture, and sustainable living strategies. His desire is to help the nationals to develop a skill set in areas of sustainability both practically as well as spiritually. Through his business, Mike has also designed and produced many of the vital educational manipulatives and resource materials for all of our established schools. He is the author of the book, “On Purpose! Selling your business with intention and Purpose!”


07Jared Kelly has been with SET since 2010. He has travelled with us two years in a row. He has helped with office administration, material making, has taught in our teacher train and indigenous Sunday school teaching programs, and has worked heavily with the deaf community. Since then he has graduated from college and is pursing medical school and public health. His heart is in Zambia and is open to returning one day to serve there. Jared has been a huge asset to SET Centers working in any area where there is a need.


09Susie Kelly is a teacher who helps with organizing and advising projects for Zambia. She met Cyndi for over 27 years when they taught together for a couple years. Susie now helps with preparing school supplies and contributes to the direction of the educational program an overseas the correspondence for SET Centers. Susie currently teaches sign language. She also enjoys singing in the praise team and encouraging teenagers through her singing.  In Zambia, Susie uses all of her many talents for working closely with the youth, the women’s programs, and leading teacher training programs.


Zambian Team

10Betson Kampamba graduated from NBSI in December of 2009 and from TVTC in 2014. He currently resides in Luanshya. He has travelled and trained with SET Centers since 2007. He has worked closely with Cyndi as a trainer conducting seminars and workshops across the country. Betson prepares the materials, organizes for the training sessions, and travels to observe and mentor the teachers in our schools. He has trained teachers in Luanshya, Masaiti, Kalulushi, Lusaka, Mpika, and in Livingstone. He also has a heartbeat and a passion for children and for the youth of Zambia.


11Pastor Henry Chendela graduated from NSBI in December of 2009 and is currently taking classes at TVTC.  In 2010, he also successfully completed leadership training in South Africa. He uses his experiences to train school teachers, Sunday School teachers, and youth leaders how to impact lives. Henry has worked and ministered with SET Centers on inventory, material making, and preparing supplies for the schools. Henry has already successfully trained teachers in the Luanshay, Masaiti, Kalulushi, Lusaka, Mpika, and in Livingstone. He also facilitates training workshops and seminars. His church, Hillcrest Baptist Church, is preparing to establish a basic elementary school in the near future.


12Pastor Frazer Kanengene is also a graduate of NSBI. He is the pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Kalulushi. He is on our Zambian SET Team and has been trained extensively. In the past Frazer has helped train at various Sunday school workshops. For years, Frazer desired to start a school of his own. In 2014 SET trained his teachers, and in 2015 we helped him establish a small community school. He is now the administrator of his school and training center in Kalulushi.


13Pastor Dennis Mwenda is a new member of our Zambian SET traveling team. He is a 2015 graduate of NSBI. He is a pastor of a church in Mpongwe. For the past 3 years he has been training to be an independent trainer on our team. Dennis already holds teacher training sessions in his area. He travels with Betson as they return to train and observe our established schools. His wife will be joining our team soon. Together they hope to make an impact throughout the Copperbelt province.